Ready to make the work you are meant to create?

Have you ever thought:

I’m not sure what to paint.

I can’t decide.

I have so many ideas, but I don’t know where to start.

That ends now.

Get what you need to:

Slay procrastination.

Clear confusion.

Start creating.

And build momentum.

Stop thinking you have to know everything about your piece before you even pick up a paint brush or mix your first color.

Stop thinking your piece has to be perfect.

Stop trying to create your piece in your mind instead of real life.

Start painting.

Start sculpting.

Start drawing.

Start creating.

©2021 Gina Yu, CAC Artist


For me to move into creating a body of work is exciting.

[The CAC Process] provided a roadmap as to how I can take a concept and manifest it. Before if I’m drawing a model, it’s an external process. With this whole Chinese American [concept], it’s now become an internal process. It’s what am I feeling about that particular subject that is personal to me, which makes it 10 times more meaningful.

— Gina Yu, CAC Artist

The Create Anyway Collective
makes it simple.

You might not know how to figure out what to focus on because you’ve got so many diverse interests, and you don’t want to “give up” any of them.

We’ve found the SIMPLEST path so you can finally get your ideas out of your head and onto the canvas (or whatever substrate you work on).

Don’t know where to start?

We help you decide efficiently & get you creating so you can:

  • Get immersed in the creative process.

  • Stay focused.

  • Keep going.

  • Progress quickly.

  • Go deeper as an artist.

  • Stay motivated.

  • And have more fun.

Stop Blocking Yourself.

You might not even know you’re doing this, but here’s the thing. You are the one who chooses to create or not, to paint or not, to finish your piece or not. If you’re not creating like you want to be, you are blocking yourself. The cutting-edge coaching in the CAC will help you stop doing this.

Cosmic Web
©2021 Sher Menton, CAC Artist


Definitely leveled-up my painting and creative process.

CAC has given me a much deeper sense of the value of my work and myself as a working artist. Your direction allowed me to find my way back to my ‘why’ from the get go. The Jump Off a Cliff Assignment in conjunction with the Center of Interest® process empowered me to take such a big leap of faith. One which has definitely leveled-up my painting and creative process. I continue to ‘jump’ daily.

— Sher Menton, Fountain Hills, AZ
CAC Artist

Where you are now is perfect.

Your creative spirit isn’t concerned with your past, your educational background, or your current results. It just wants you to:

Show up. Begin. And stay with it.

You just need to START.

From exactly where you are.

So don’t let thoughts of not having “it”, not being ready, not having enough time, not having the right studio space, or not having the perfect, innovative ideas stop you.

When you get started with the CAC, you will build a body of your real work one simple step at a time.

We have walked many artists through this process. We know the exact struggles you face, where you get stuck & what’s needed to keep you on track.

You will also get help with…

  • Getting out of your own way.

  • Managing your thoughts & emotions while creating and putting yourself out there, failing, and trying new things.

  • Building self-confidence so that you will not only believe that you can create your work, but so that you also learn, grow and become the artist you are meant to be.

  •  Evaluating your work so that you will always know exactly what to do with your current piece & how to adjust your efforts if they are not working.

"How does he do it? David has the ability to critique any media at any expertise level. In the CAC, he has helped artists with painting, ceramics, wood sculpture, mixed media and drawing."

— Jan D., Arroyo Grande, CA, CAC Artist

Here’s why it works.

No matter what kind of artist you are, your personal background, or art experience, the CAC will give you the tools to create a new body of work.

That’s because you’ll learn the principles of creating that we’ve developed as a result of:

  • David Limrite’s over 10,000 hrs of teaching and mentoring students at both the community and college level as well as privately

  • C. Jordan Blaquera’s experience as a singer/songwriter & creative, along with her 10 years as a master-certified life coach

  • Our 7-year collaborative partnership as the directors of a private community art school, overseeing all aspects of art education and administration

artist mentor coach teacher David Limrite Create Anyway Collective Jordan Blaquera

When you join the CAC, you start with the simple goal of creating a series of 10 pieces.

Everyone has the same goal, and we all support each other to make that happen.

We walk you through every single step inside the CAC program.

The process that we teach is simple, clear, straightforward, and it works.

We ONLY focus on what is vital for you to create your work while helping you manage the mental blocks that can keep you stuck.

You create a new body of your real work. Period.

“I loved the entire 4-month process and the continual art stimulus and buildup of art momentum. Thank you so much for all of your work, energy, and sincere interest in seeing each person express their creativity in their own way. We saw such variety of goals, techniques, process. It’s been a truly enlightening journey.”

— KJ, Oregon, CAC Artist

Creating with your authentic voice doesn’t have to be mysterious.

Using our proven Center of Interest Circles®, you will determine exactly what you’re going to create. No more wasting time following creative whims and urges, only to find yourself easily distracted from your real work.

Avoid distractions.

Toss the time wasters.

Eliminate indecision.

Artists who commit to their Center of Interest Circles® rave about our system saying it allows them to go into their studio and begin working immediately. No guessing, no deciding, no sorting through ideas.

You can get right to work.

Here is what you get when you join the Create Anyway Collective.

Creative Anyway Kickstart

(6 Sessions)

Get Clear. Get Creating.

It starts with intention.

You’ll get clear on exactly what you’re going to be creating during the CAC.

No more confusion and indecision. Just clear, concise choices. And then you start creating ASAP.

Set Goals. Slay Them.

Then you’ll set your goals.

More important than the goals you achieve is how you set them to begin with. Most people ignore this part of goal-setting. But you won’t.

We’ll walk you through the why and the how of setting effective goals.

Once those steps are done, you’ll move on to setting goals for each piece you’ll be working on. And you’ll know what you’re working to achieve so you can stay focused.

And that’s just the beginning…

What Lies Beneath Nest
©2021 Francine Fanali, CAC Artist

9 Modules to Empower You.

The most important and impactful concepts that help visual artists propel their work forward to the next level will be delivered in these CAC Modules:

Module 1: Create Anyway Roadmap

This module includes:

C.O.I. Why®

To be a creator, you need a Compelling, Obstinate, Important Why that keeps you creating and moving forward when you don’t “feel” like it and when the going gets tough.

Center of Interest Circles®
Follow our step-by-step process so you’ll know exactly what you are going to paint for the entire duration of the CAC.

Creativity Protocol
Learn to create in the middle of life by deciding in advance when and what you will create. Life will make demands and call you away from your creativity. Your Creativity Protocol is how you manage the demands of life and stay on track.

Create Anyway
Show up in your studio, at your easel or work table, and begin. Don’t wait for the right time or perfect chunk of uninterrupted, quiet time. That’s a plan that won’t work. Find a way in. Build momentum. Often, you won’t feel like it. Learn to create anyway.

Art-Making Blueprint
When you are creating, having a roadmap of the goals you specifically want to achieve on each piece is key. What do you want to create with regard to formal qualities like color, line quality or value contrast? Do you want to communicate a mood or elevate your style and technique? Follow your Art-Making Blueprint to become a more productive artist.

The Finishing Formula
Finishing instills confidence, builds momentum, and provides opportunities for learning — to name a few. In contrast, abandoning or leaving work incomplete can introduce doubt, beat down confidence, and make it easier to become stuck and creatively blocked. Completion nourishes commitment, accomplishment and satisfaction. With the Finishing Formula and the Completion Criteria you’ll receive, you’ll know just how to finish those pieces in your studio!

Module 2: Assess to Accelerate

Creatively check-in with yourself. Are you on track, focused, clear-eyed, excited, energized and feeling creative — or not? Are you sticking to your Creativity Protocol? Are you focused on your Art-Making Blueprint? Or are you allowing yourself to get distracted? What adjustments need to be made? Learn to support yourself and encourage yourself in moving forward.

Module 3: Thought Innovation

Learn to connect the dots between your thoughts, feelings, actions and results. It’s all about the stories you tell yourself about your talent, ability, creations, work habits, potential, future, and past. In addition, what do we make those stories mean about us as individuals? Learn to direct your thinking and be more productive in addition to feeling satisfied with what you create (on the easel and in life).

Module 4: Creating Confidence

Confidence comes from how you focus your mind, from increasing your clarity, and also from moving toward your goals. Confidence also rises as you release self-doubt, self-consciousness, and self-judgment. Want more confidence? Dig into this module and create high octane Creativity Fuel.

Module 5: Brushes Down

At some point, the focus needs to shift from creating to stopping, stepping back, looking, seeing, and assessing what you have done so far. For this, you’ll receive the valuable Critique Criteria. What is happening on the surface of your painting? What is working? What is not working? What are the next steps? This process is not only good for the painting, drawing, sculpture or piece being worked on, it’s also good for the artist.

Module 6: Courage to be a Risk-Taker

Taking risks requires courage and vulnerability. The first step is to be “willing”: to feel, to experience, to Guess & Correct, to fail, and to succeed. If you’re not risking and being courageous, this can manifest itself in feeling precious or timid about your work, allowing yourself to be distracted from getting into the studio, or getting bogged down with procrastination.

Module 7: Surviving Setbacks

As artists, we encounter numerous setbacks every day. It might be during our creative process such as ruining or overworking a piece. It might be with someone (a juror, gallery owner, friend or colleague) making a comment about our art that stings. It’s not the setback that is important though. It’s what we do next. Learn to survive setbacks.

Module 8: Navigating Criticism & Rejection

Oftentimes artists show their work to to others looking for (or at least hoping for) approval. Instead, they can encounter judgment, rejection or criticism. Increase your ability to handle this and navigate your way back into the studio, rather than getting stuck in Compare & Despair.

Module 9: Sharing Your Work

Creating work alone in your studio is one thing. Sharing it with the world is another. This can bring up a whole host of thoughts and feelings, and can most certainly expose discomfort. Set yourself up to successfully share your work with others while managing the potential fear, rejection and judgment that might come your way.

This module comes just in time to mentally prepare you to exhibit your work in the CAC Online Exhibit, invite family and friends, and be prepared to talk about your creations.

Expert, Laser-Focused Critiques.

All the value, expertise & support you want.

None of the mean-spirited, unkind, awful critiquing you may have had in the past.

David’s laser-focused critiques of your work will help you meet your aesthetic goals. He treats you and your work compassionately and with kindness while giving powerful feedback so you can get to the next level.

I enjoyed the critiques, and the deadlines meant that I produced more work than I normally might.

The modules exploring the psychological side of creativity have been an eye opener. I appreciated that you both always related the topics and issues to experiences in your own life, not just some hypothetical situation.

— Connie Zane, Palm Desert, CA  

©Connie Zane 3 Walnut Canyon -artist mentor coach David Limrite Create Anyway Collective Jordan Blaquera

Walnut Canyon
©2021 Connie Zane, CAC Artist


(8 Sessions)

  • Each artist receives a total of four (4) Critiques during the CAC.

  • Each Critique Session will consist of multiple artists receiving a critique filled with guidance and feedback on one of their pieces.

  • Each critique is a mini-art lesson which may include discussions on composition, color, and line quality (just to name a few).

  • Be inspired and apply what you learn (whether from your own critique or another artist’s) to your own work.

  • Being exposed to the diversity and creativity of your fellow CAC artists is an exciting and instructive part of the CAC experience.

Work in progress being critiqued by David Limrite
©2021 Leslie Hannon, CAC Artist

©Marli Thibodeau Untitled - artist mentor coach David Limrite Create Anyway Collective Jordan Blaquera

©2021 Marli Thibodeau, CAC Artist

Get on the CAC Wait List


(9 Sessions)

Uncover hidden obstacles that are getting in the way of you confidently creating. Whether you’re getting coached personally or learning from the coaching of others, group coaching is vital in changing belief systems and increasing your creativity mindset.

You’ll receive coaching on creating, productivity, procrastination, perfectionism, self-doubt, fear, judgment, rejection as you engage in the process of making your CAC Series. These calls are packed with value and allow you to connect to a community of artists on the exact same path as you.

“Since joining your program, I’ve faced up to my fears around 2 paintings where I was stuck, and have begun to sort out ways to complete them, address concerns I already had, and just get on with it.

— QUINNE FOKES, During Week 2

Support. Encouragement. Community.

You’ll have support from a group of like-minded artists who understand the creative process and the challenges you face as a creator such as fear of rejection, wanting others to like your work, not wanting to ruin a piece, overworking pieces, and avoiding doing your “real work”.

Thank you both for sharing all of your incredible knowledge and encouragement. Sometimes just one little word, sentence or quote can speak volumes and give help you didn’t even know you needed. I enjoyed meeting all of the other artists in our group. It was so amazing to see all of the incredible talent out there. It was also so helpful for me to hear all of their fears, struggles and moments of doubt. I know that may sound weird but it made me feel like I wasn’t alone with all of those feelings. And then for us to share and help each other move forward in our creativity.

— BILLIE C, Pinyon Crest, CA


(2 Sessions)

These sessions will include:

  • Q&A with questions relating to subjects such as aesthetics, composition, technique, and/or the process of creating, just to name a few.

  • Past topics have included how to build up grounds, the selection and use of a limited palette, color mixing and theory, warm vs. cool grays, and capturing a likeness vs. a psychological portrait.


(2 Sessions)

Learn to effectively assess your progress midway through the CAC:

  • Are you sticking to your Creativity Protocol?

  • Are you focused on your Art-Making Blueprint?

  • Are there adjustments you need to make?

  • Become clear on what is working with your artistic process so you can lean in and do more of that.

  • Clarify what’s not working and get mentoring on deciding how to move forward.

©2021 Cindy Mason, CAC Artist


Yes, the CAC has them.

You’re welcome.

You’ll have 4 separate deadlines with specific guidelines that will support you in growing, evolving and challenging your skills, talents and persistence.

These deadlines will support you in creating 10 pieces during the CAC.

Many artists are thrilled to find themselves creating more during The CAC than they have in the years prior to the CAC.

Blow your own mind by creating A. LOT. OF. ART. during the CAC.

And when you create consistently, you learn consistently. You grow consistently. You create momentum. And you reap the rewards.

Meet each deadline, and watch your creativity flourish.

Now let’s wrap it all up and honor & share your creativity and growth!


As if the Critiques, Empowerment Sessions, Accelerate Sessions, Creative Process Sessions, and Bonus Elevate Your Creative Space Sessions aren’t enough…

Your work is going to be featured in a Group Online Exhibit at the close of the program.

To have two of your pieces featured in the exhibit, you will need to meet these requirements:

  • You will receive 5 assigned deadlines (throughout the 15-week period).

  • Submit the required number of pieces by each of these assigned deadlines (for a total of 10 separate pieces) during the Create Anyway Collective. Stay on track and create along the way. No cramming at the end. This doesn’t mean your pieces have to be perfect or “finished” at each deadline. Just be creating. That is where the magic is.

  • The Online Opening Reception will be Saturday, November 4, 2023, with the Online Exhibit continuing through December 31, 2023. Invite your family, friends and peers to attend. Let’s all celebrate your creativity together.

©Ann Boyd Rescue Mission artist teacher mentor coach Create Anyway Collective David Limrite Jordan Blaquera

Rescue Mission
©2021 Ann Boyd, CAC Artist

Over the past few days so many calls and messages came in from my friends and family who watched the CAC reception.

(There were a lot of them.)

Nearly everyone mentioned they were very impressed by the level of artwork, and several noted how beautifully the artists spoke about their CAC experiences.

The theme was repeated often: an appreciation and recognition of all of the hard work both of you put into the CAC. I told each and every one they were 100% correct.

— Tamara Greenebaum, CAC Artist

The culminating reception was a lovely finale, and I was astounded by the number of friends/relatives that tuned in.

— Connie Zane, Palm Desert, CA

Having the show at the end is such a wonderful way for us to be in the practice of being an artist. So so good!

— CAC Artist


** After enrollment, we will ask for your availability and work to accommodate your schedule so that you may attend your critiques live; however, we cannot guarantee that your scheduled critiques will match your availability. In the event that you cannot attend your critique live, you will be able to watch the recorded replay.

Can’t make it to a critique or session?

No worries.

Each session is recorded. Replays are available for all sessions.

You’ll have access to the recordings for a full year.

What are the days & times, you ask?

  • Elevate Your Creative Space Bonus

    • July 12, 14, 19 & 21 (Weds & Fri) at 10:30am PT
      (75 minutes each)

  • Create Anyway Collective

    • Create Anyway Kickstart:

      • July 31 & August 2, 4, 7, 9, 11

      • Meets Mon/Weds/Fri @ 10:30-11:45am PT

    • Program continues:

      • August 16 - November 8*

      • Meets Weds & Fri**, 10:30-11:45am** PT

      • *Exceptions to the above schedule are:

        • A session is held on Thursday, August 17

        • There are no sessions on: August 18 or October 27

      • **Note: Friday Critique Sessions may be longer or shorter depending on number of artists critiqued. Maximum Critique Session length is 90 minutes.

    • The Creative Process Online Reception:

      • November 4

        • Tech Call: 10:30am PT

        • Online Reception: 11am-2pm PT


  • July 31 - November 8, 2023

    Bonus: Elevate Your Creative Space is held July 12, 14, 19 & 21

  • Yes. Every Session and Critique are recorded.

  • No worries. All session are recorded. You can catch up with what you missed later.

    If you know in advance that you aren’t able to attend a session, you can email your question(s) in advance so we can answer them live (time permitting), and you can get your answer(s) via the replay.

    With regard to the Critique Sessions, we make every effort to accommodate your schedule. However, there have been rare occasions when a conflict with the artist’s schedule occurs, and they aren’t able to attend live.

    Not a problem. David will still hold your critique and answer any questions “live” about your piece that you’ve emailed in advance. You’ll see the critique and his response via the replay.

  • One year.

  • Yes, of course. The size of your substrates is up to you. Artists have worked on 6 inch x 6 inch pieces and also 5 foot-wide pieces.

    We’ve also have an artist carve a 10-foot totem pole.

    Small or large, it’s up to you.

The CAC is limited to 26 artists.

All right! All right!!!

It sounds amazing. How do I get in?


  • 15 Weeks of Artist Mentorship including:

    • 9 Modules

    • 9 Empowerment Session

    • 5 Artwork Deadlines

    • 4 Critiques of your Own Work

    • View All the Critiques that your Fellow CAC Artists Receive

    • 2 Accelerate Sessions

    • 2 Creative Process Sessions

    • Online Reception & Exhibit (Rules & guidelines apply)

    • 1 Follow Up Session

    • Camaraderie & Community with your Fellow CAC Artists


Tuition is $1,777

Wait List Priority Enrollment Opens in June.

Get on the CAC Wait List to be notified when Priority Enrollment Opens.

Enter your name & email below:


Two Private 1:1 Sessions

  • You’ll take your CAC experience even deeper with personalized 1:1 support.

  • Receive two private 45-minute sessions with David or Jordan (or do one session with each coach).

  • Use your sessions for additional critique, mentoring and/or artist coaching.

  • Take it from this CAC Artist:

I just re-listened to [my private session] and find it to be such a good, informative and encouraging session.  Thank you again for your time, and for offering this class.

It is a game changer for me. 

— Mary Jo Coblentz, Washington, CAC Artist


Elevate Your Creative Space

  • The focus of these Bonus Sessions is to prepare your creative “space” (both physical, mental and emotional) so you are ready for your next phase of creativity during the Create Anyway Collective.

  • This will include your physical space and all belongings related to your creative life including but not limited to your tools, materials, books, implements, past works, sketchbooks, pieces in progress, memorabilia, and classes and workshops you’ve given or taken.

  • All of these items can have the effect of lifting or lowering your energy. These bonus sessions will help you release that which lowers your creative energy.

  • If your creative space(s) are in perfect order, no worries. Do another area of your home or life.

July 12, 14, 19 & 21

Your registration date determines how many Elevate Your Creative Space Bonus Sessions you are able to attend.

The sooner you commit to the Create Anyway Collective the sooner you’ll receive the Elevate Your Creative Space Program. This means you can get started ASAP setting your studio up for success and the more of the Bonus Sessions you get to attend before the official start of the program.


Create Anyway Roadmap Binder

  • Receive your Create Anyway Roadmap Binder with the full Create Anyway Roadmap ready for you to dive in. It will include:

    • Elevate Your Creative Space

    • C.O.I. Why®

    • Center of Interest Circles®

    • Creativity Protocol

    • Create Anyway

    • Art-Making Blueprint

    • The Finishing Formula

  • You’ll get your Create Anyway Roadmap Binder and get to dive right in getting started with committing to your creativity.

Mapping JB
©2021 Ana Bass, CAC Artist


Far exceeds my expectations.

I am in great appreciation of you both. I personally think you are both extraordinary at what you do and bring to the table. David, I consider you a mentor, an educator, and a friend. Jordan your connection, insight, and powerful take and ability to translate is astonishing along with your sense of humor….Far exceeds my expectations.

It is a great program and experience.

Thank you both.

— Ana Bass, CAC Artist

Quoting Jan
©2021 Leslie Hannon, CAC Artist


A fast track to successful work and work habits.

David, you and Jordan have created a uniquely powerful online venue for artists, which cannot but help transport each and every one of them onward in their quest for personal growth. There is something so special in the pair of you that doubles down to enhance the energy. It is actually a fast track to successful work and work habits, even though it takes several months. I was reminded of this as I watched the recent CAC Reception & Exhibition. Each artist had the same revelations I had. You two are simply remarkable.

—Leslie Hannon, CAC Artist

Palo Verde at Sunnylands
©2021 Mary Ann Sutherland, CAC Artist


What an engaging, grueling, inspiring experience this CAC is! I look forward to every session.

I never would have thought I would have learned so much from focusing on one idea, one subject, one media for 12 weeks. I gained insight into my blocks to creating and ways to overcome them. The deadlines and submissions helped to keep me on track. I loved the way you two took each artist from where she was each one's art and approach was valued. The whole course was incredibly well thought out to lead the artists on a personal journey and exploration of how they create their art.

— Mary Ann Sutherland, Rancho Mirage, CA, CAC Artist

©2021 Tina Farina, CAC Artist


I feel my voice is in this work.

Quite honestly I felt that this CAC was AWESOME. The Center of Interest Circles® really made a difference for me in narrowing down my focus. I’m just so grateful for all of the work you and David put into this program!!!!  Because of your amazing support I feel my voice is in this work. Thank you so much!!!

— Tina Farina, CAC Artist


  • 16 Weeks of Artist Mentorship

  • Bonus #1: Two Private 1:1 Sessions

  • Bonus #2: Elevate Your Creative Space Sessions

  • Bonus #3: Create Anyway Roadmap Binder


Tuition is $1,777

Wait List Priority Enrollment Opens in June.

Get on the CAC Wait List to be notified when Priority Enrollment Opens.

Enter your name & email below:

Got questions?

We’re happy to help.

Click here to email your questions.

Get on the CAC Wait List for the Inside Scoop.

Copyright Libby Bussinah The Blahs Artist mentor teacher coach Create Anyway Collective David Limrite Jordan Blaquera

The Blahs
©2021 Libby Bussinah, CAC Artist

“You freed me to get into my heart and soul and begin to identify and create the work I was meant to do for the rest of my life. I'm sure it has cut through years of bumbling around otherwise - so thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

— CAC Artist