Tuning Out, Tolerating & Tuning In

Take the time to periodically view your studio and home with new eyes and with heightened intention.

Do your belongings support the artist you’re BECOMING or the person and artist you were in THE PAST?

This shredder has been sitting around for at least a year. Broken. I even tried olive oil because I read on the interwebs that it might help.

I keep thinking it might magically come to life again. But no. Not year. ONE. YEAR. LATER.

Time to trash it. And there’s more where that came from.

Ideas, identities and stuff, stuff, stuff that I’ve just tuned out or TOLERATED.

Take a look around your studio and home. I am. And so are the artists of the Create Anyway Collective. And it’s not too late to join them. Enrollment ends on Thursday at 6pm PT.

Next Monday we start 14 weeks of Artist Mentorship, and every one of the artists will create a NEW SERIES.


This week, we’re taking an intentional look at our Creative Spaces and deciding what stays and what goes based on whether it currently elevates our energy and creativity TODAY, RIGHT NOW. Not yesterday, 10 weeks ago, or 10 years ago. (And certainly not 20 or more years ago).

Just today (at our first ELEVATE session), we talked about how we can tune things out…FOR YEARS.

It doesn't matter if it’s something new and in the original package and perfectly usable. If it doesn’t LIFT your energy, especially your creative energy, let it go.

AND MAKE SOME DAMN SPACE for your new innovative ideas, innovation, creativity and inspiration to come in.

All that stuff you’ve tuned out, is keeping your creative channel clogged.

Look around and move out what isn’t serving you. You’ll be setting yourself up for a Creative New Year.

Then, take one of the final 3 spaces left in the Create Anyway Collective and create a new body of work with your rejuvenated creativity. (30 artists total).


You are One in a Kadjillion


Doubt will be your companion on your creative journey